「太陽生命ウィメンズセブンズシリーズ2023」4大会を終えて。 チーム代表・総監督からのコメントです。
今シーズンも太陽生命セブンズシリーズ4大会を、最後まで勇気と持てる力を振り絞って戦い抜いたYOKOHAMA TKMの選手、コーチ、スタッフに心から感謝しています。
参加された全てのチームの方々と、運営にご尽力いただいた皆様に感謝致しますとともに、いつの日か必ずや優勝を勝ち取るべくYOKOHAMA TKMはさらなる精進を重ねて参ります。
代表 横川秀男
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the players, coaches, and staff of YOKOHAMA TKM, who competed against with all their courage and strength to the very end in the four tournaments of the Taiyo Seimei Sevens Series this season.
I am proud of the players, who continued to grow mentally and in their skills with each tournament, even in the midst of tough games.
I would like to thank all of the fans, sponsor companies and family members of the players and staff who supported us, as well as the staff, families, and concerned parties of Yokohama Mirai Healthcare System and Toda Medicalcare Group.
I would also like to thank the Japan Rugby Football Union, the local rugby authorities, and the Taiyo Life Insurance Company for hosting this year’s tournament, making it a great success, and giving the players the opportunity to show the results of their hard work.
I would like to thank all the participating teams and everyone who worked so hard to organize the tournament, and we at YOKOHAMA TKM will continue to work even harder to win the championship one day.
We will continue to contribute to the further development of rugby through women’s rugby and spread the spirit of rugby in the world, in which all people support each other. We thank you very much for your continued support for us.
Hideo Yokokawa