
プレイヤーズブログ~新加入選手紹介 Reese Anderson(リース・アンダーソン)です。

Firstly, I would like to say how grateful I am to be signed with TKM for this year’s 7s season. I am eager to get amongst it and get the job done!

7s is a game to be grateful for as it gives us the opportunity to meet new people, play some footy and travel the world.

I look forward to our team continuous growth not only on field but off field too as we grow our team culture.

Lastly I would like to thank my family and friends who continue to support me on my endeavours as an athlete and also to the supporters in Totsuka! Let’s hiss TKM! YEAHHH THE GIRLS

Reese Anderson





最後に、アスリートとして努力し続ける私を支えてくれる家族や友人、そしてチームをご支援くださる戸塚の人々に感謝します! さあ、みんなでTKMを盛り上げていきましょう!

